
Where did everyone go? Why did you people leave me so? I mean, you people didn’t even leave the windows open.You people left me sitting here alone, with no hope and, 

I’m so sure I’m never getting out of here. 

My mind is filled with nothing but scary thoughts.You people don’t even understand that this room keeps getting really really hot.I mean, I’m shivering, I’m shaking but it is so warm,

I’m so sure I’m never getting out of here. 

I’m feeling desperately anxious.You people didn’t even think that I was precious.I mean, I’ve been left behind, 

I’m so sure I’m never getting out of here. 

I can see you people outside being free.You people are dancing and enjoying each other’s company.I don’t understand why you people didn’t take me along.I mean, what exactly did I do wrong?

I’m so sure I’m never getting out of here.

I am terrified, extremely terrified.You people won’t even care if I cried.I don’t know why the silence is so loud here.I mean, it’s not helping with my fear, 

I’m absolutely sure, I’m never getting out of here.

I should be content, grateful actually.You people may not have been the best for me, 
I know I thought you people were all I had.I mean, I thought without you people I would go mad,

But since we’ve established I’m never getting out of here, I have made this space my own, and you people are trash. 

Ayirebuah šŸ’•

They Say

Be careful before your heart gets involved because once you get in, you probably won’t come back out. It’s going to take over every fibre of your being. It’s going to be the best thing you’ve ever seen.

It’s like walking into a dark room with no aid. When you walk in, you’ll definitely be afraid, but the minute you find your way around,everything becomes easy. That one thing you are looking for, finds you. It will be ready.

It’s like diving headfirst into a pool, everyone around you will call you a fool. But the minute you make that dive perfect, you will swim gracefully, and those people will deflect.

It’s like learning a new song, you will first get the lyrics wrong. But the minute you get the right words, you will sing it every day. It even becomes part of the things you say.

So here’s the thing, they call it love. They say it’s sweet. They say it hurts. They say there’s heat, they say it blurs.

And there’s another thing, they call it REAL love, they say it’s warm, they say it changes, they say it’ll hit you like a storm, they say it gets stronger through the ages. 

It will make your smile louder than your laugh, it will speak for you when your eyes are all you have. It will hit you, hard, probably even hurt you. But guess what? It will be wonderful still, an absolute thrill.

You’ll say you love them to the moon and back. But I heard you shouldn’t love them to the moon and back. Because once you’re at the moon with the person you love, why would you want to come back?

   Ayirebuah šŸ’•

PS: This is Old, but it sure is Gold.āœØ