You’re Supposed To…


You’ve reached the red light 

The warning that you must not go any further 

If you decide to move, you’ll get into trouble 

Or you may harm yourself 

You’re supposed to just stop 

You’re waiting for it to be safe again 

The moment where you’re friends with your thoughts 

They tell you all that you need to remember 

And all that you are trying to forget 

You’re supposed to breathe through all that 

You’re sitting in silence at the moment 

The radio is on but you can’t hear it 

You’re hearing all that you need to hear from your ‘friends’ 

And all that you need to hear is essential for your next move 

You’re supposed to listen attentively 

You’re looking straight ahead but look around a little 

You need to see when it’s okay to move forward 

You can’t just step forward blindly 

You may get pummeled 

So you’re supposed to look first 

Yes you’re waiting 

But that doesn’t mean you should not know how to handle what’s next 

You must be ready to get off the brakes and go on to accelerate 

It’s not yet time but 

You’re supposed to prepare 

The green light is here 

The moment you’ve been waiting for is right here

You don’t want to waste anymore time 

You’ve had the chance to think 

You prepared for this 

Don’t waste anyone’s time 

You’re supposed to just move!

Make that move. 

Ayirebuah šŸ’ž 

Thursday, February 1st at 1:59am