Things Change 

You know, you can never get used to the idea of change. Change brings about some sort of fear.

Anxiety about what’s there to expect. 

When you realize what you’ve been used to for a long time is no more there, you begin to panic.

When the new things come in, you somehow keep comparing them to the old. Do you get what I mean? 

It doesn’t seem right to just move on and forget about everything.

But you have to come to a point. This point. Acceptance.

Accept that you are no more where you were.

And this new place is your new constant. 

Yes, someday it may change too.

But don’t wait with bated breath for that someday.

Take it one step at a time. Change is inevitable. But it is more than necessary.

Ayirebuah 💕

Long Time 

It’s been long since I last wrote. Maybe I have been busy 

I have to start this piece on a good note 

Or you’ll think I’m being floopy. 
It’s been long since I last smiled with my words . 

Maybe I have been reluctant 

I feel like my mind told me, “Your poetry has been adjourned” 

But poetry is supposed to be my constant. 
It’s been long since I last got inspired 

Maybe I have been distracted 

I almost thought my talent had expired 

Until my appetite for writing got whetted 
It’s been long since I last rhymed 

Maybe I have been broken  

Okay, who’s cutting onions? 🙄

Because for some reason, I’m crying. 
Ayirebuah 💕

What If…

What if… never mind

Okay, what if we weren’t afraid anymore 

What if we just opened… nah 

I mean, what if we just had courage 

What if…it’s okay 

Fine, what if we acted differently 

What if we stepped… forget it

I’m trying to say what if we had confidence

What if … uuh 

Erm, what if we just freed our minds 

What if we spoke … mmmm 

I’m saying what if we were more vocal

What if… haha 

Ooh, what if we laughed more

What if we let …. hmmm

What I mean is, what if we were just happy 

What if… *sigh*

Right, what if we got out more 

What if we met… ah no

I’m thinking, what if we were friendlier 

What if I knew the point of this poem. 

What if I understood why I started writing. 

What if it’s because I need to be more courageous, confident, vocal. I need to be happy and get out more. 

What if this was just my diary session. 
Ayirebuah 💕


Where did everyone go? Why did you people leave me so? I mean, you people didn’t even leave the windows open.You people left me sitting here alone, with no hope and, 

I’m so sure I’m never getting out of here. 

My mind is filled with nothing but scary thoughts.You people don’t even understand that this room keeps getting really really hot.I mean, I’m shivering, I’m shaking but it is so warm,

I’m so sure I’m never getting out of here. 

I’m feeling desperately anxious.You people didn’t even think that I was precious.I mean, I’ve been left behind, 

I’m so sure I’m never getting out of here. 

I can see you people outside being free.You people are dancing and enjoying each other’s company.I don’t understand why you people didn’t take me along.I mean, what exactly did I do wrong?

I’m so sure I’m never getting out of here.

I am terrified, extremely terrified.You people won’t even care if I cried.I don’t know why the silence is so loud here.I mean, it’s not helping with my fear, 

I’m absolutely sure, I’m never getting out of here.

I should be content, grateful actually.You people may not have been the best for me, 
I know I thought you people were all I had.I mean, I thought without you people I would go mad,

But since we’ve established I’m never getting out of here, I have made this space my own, and you people are trash. 

Ayirebuah 💕

They Say

Be careful before your heart gets involved because once you get in, you probably won’t come back out. It’s going to take over every fibre of your being. It’s going to be the best thing you’ve ever seen.

It’s like walking into a dark room with no aid. When you walk in, you’ll definitely be afraid, but the minute you find your way around,everything becomes easy. That one thing you are looking for, finds you. It will be ready.

It’s like diving headfirst into a pool, everyone around you will call you a fool. But the minute you make that dive perfect, you will swim gracefully, and those people will deflect.

It’s like learning a new song, you will first get the lyrics wrong. But the minute you get the right words, you will sing it every day. It even becomes part of the things you say.

So here’s the thing, they call it love. They say it’s sweet. They say it hurts. They say there’s heat, they say it blurs.

And there’s another thing, they call it REAL love, they say it’s warm, they say it changes, they say it’ll hit you like a storm, they say it gets stronger through the ages. 

It will make your smile louder than your laugh, it will speak for you when your eyes are all you have. It will hit you, hard, probably even hurt you. But guess what? It will be wonderful still, an absolute thrill.

You’ll say you love them to the moon and back. But I heard you shouldn’t love them to the moon and back. Because once you’re at the moon with the person you love, why would you want to come back?

   Ayirebuah 💕

PS: This is Old, but it sure is Gold.✨

A Happy Poem

I’m trying to write something about happiness,

Someone once told me that my words are always gloomy.

I’m trying to figure out the right words to exhibit brightness,

I don’t want to sound like I’m moody.

So I won’t mention things that have gotten me upset ,

I will tell you about how I felt before that upsetting moment.
I was walking alone, singing a song that had been stuck in my head for a little more than too long,

I was going to meet someone who was a thousand times better and sweeter than this song.

This person was supposed to meet me with flowers,

Instead I was left there, still singing this catchy song ;I waited for hours. 
Oh! I’m not supposed to make this sound floopy,

Let me tell you about what I was thinking…

About this sweet person I was going to meet.

I was actually thinking about the food we would get, you know, since I’m such a foodie,

Maybe we would get pizza or kenkey. Yes Kenkey. 
I was smiling at the thought of Kenkey,

Kenkey makes me happy, you know.

At that moment, I really didn’t care about what this sweet person was going to say,

I was focused on getting this k)mi k3 shit). Geez, I was getting goosebumps all over just thinking about it,

But the sweet person didn’t show up.
Relax, this is still a happy poem. 

Still choosing my words ‘brightfully’

I don’t know how else to tell them, 

All I want is to eat kenkey happily. 
I went through all this trouble, 

Made up a sweet person who was to bring me flowers.

Just so that you could have a chuckle, 

When I tell you that all I want is to eat kenkey for hours and hours.
This is my happy place, 

Please bring me my kenkey plate. 
Ayirebuah 💕

She, not Me. 

Alright …I am not the perfect human being 

I have my flaws, my secrets, parts of me that I wish will never be seen.

She’s screaming inside of me 

Oh how she screams, ever so quietly. She enjoys the state that she has put me in 

Whispering shouts of sin.

Making it hard for me to hear the voice of my Redeemer 

Her voice calls out to me and she makes me forget that I was ever a winner.

I am tired of her endless demands

Can’t she reach out to all she is asking me to reach for with her own hands?  

Why is she making it so hard for me to breathe? And by breathe I mean,live.

Do you know that part that is causing me grieve? She looks just like me but she is nothing like me. She’s manipulative. Do not trust her. She’s a liar. Do not listen to her. She is a sweet-talker. Do not be deceived. 

I yearn to kick her out for good, but anytime I do she picks a lock someway somehow in me and walks back in making herself comfortable. She’s rude. She doesn’t care about my feelings. She’s aggressive. Things have to be done her way. 

I need her to stay out. I need the VOICE of my SAVIOUR. Jesus Christ. 

I need His perfection. I truly can’t stand her anymore. She thinks she’s so slick 

She is making me sick. 

Ayirebuah, not her. 💕


I am feeling blocked. I walked into an open room,but it wound up locked.

 I thought this room was a good enough space for me to explore my thoughts.

Boy, was I wrong. I want to tell you all about this room. 

Maybe you’ll understand better that way that way, I assume . But I cannot.

 No one really understands, 

I am all alone, as it stands. 

And I think I have to succumb to this room’s commands. 

I am telling you it has a lot to say. Like, “HEY! Do not pray!”

 “Do you think He really wants to listen to what you have to say?”

 “You are stuck here, and so you must fear!” “You are never getting out, go ahead, try and shout! It’s not going to work, you will soon be dead.”

  You see? It’s like I am a prisoner. This room is telling me I am forever a sinner. 

There’s no way out, I cannot find salvation. I am alone in this lonely nation. 

I should refuse to listen, because before I walked into this room I heard about a man with a mission. 

His mission is to clear all my debts, to heal every one of my hurts. To free me from any place I have ever felt trapped. 

And so from this moment on, this room has collapsed.   

                 Ayirebuah 💕

That Self 

There’s a reason we hold on to certain things in our lives. Perhaps those things remind us of who we are .Nevertheless, we must remember that who we are isn’t necessarily who we ought to be.So, the things we hold on to must be let go. We must embrace the self that is right there in the middle… not behind, because even though it isn’t hidden, it hasn’t been given that much attention. We must use that self to better our lives, we must use that self to make our every decision. I don’t know if I’m making any sense to you, beautiful soul, but let your ‘self’ come through for you. Don’t hold on to what everyone calls you, don’t rely on what everyone knows. Dare to be free! I mean dare to be you! That ‘middle’ self of yours is more unique that you could ever imagine. I don’t know who I am to tell you this. But, remember that I’m your writer. ✍🏾 Ayirebuah💋 Happy New Year🎆🎇

Given Up

It seems like have no choice. As if somewhere along the line, I lost my voice. I have to say the things you say, you know like a parrot. No mind of my own, you know, like a robot 

I have to want the things you want, you know, like a copycat 

No dreams of my own, you know, like I don’t know if I want this, I don’t know if I want that. 

I have to sing your songs you know, like I’m just doing a cover

No sound of my own, you know, like the ‘h’ in honour.

Dear world, I’m sorry I can’t love you. I’m sorry, I can’t please you. 

I’m sorry, I can’t follow you. 

I’m sorry, but you’ve been rough. 

I’ve seen that your love is not enough  
Ayirebuah ©